Photo credit: Dos and Bertie Winkel
“A beautifully written book of poetry"--the US Review of Books
"I encourage anyone with interest in the composition of sonnets – or those just wishing to read about a love story
to grab a copy of this jewel of a book."--Author Kathleen S. Schmitt
ISBN: 978-0-9837440-1-6; ISBN# 978-0-9837440-5-4
Publication date: June 5, 2017; To be announced
# pages: 51
Press: E-leaf Press
Format: ebook; paperback
Available at Amazon and Kobo .
A series of mesmerizing poems, Sonnets to the Japim Bird depicts the forbidden love between an Amazonian indigenous woman
(a Tupi-Kawahib) and her husband’s guest (a European explorer). In the tradition of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets to the Japim
Bird uses the beautiful cadence of the English language in a haunting tale of love that breaks a sacred taboo in indigenous culture.
The epigraph, in Portuguese, means “A woman is a very fine thing”—a saying from the Tupi-Kawahib, an ancient tribal people that
live in Brazil. The book cover features the photo of a young Yanomami indigenous woman. Ten percent of the ebook proceeds will
be donated to Amazon Watch (www.amazonwatch.org), a non-profit organization devoted to the conservation of the rainforest
and indigenous peoples.
About the Photographers
Dos Winkel and Bertie Winkel started professional photography in 1990. Dos became an internationally renowned underwater
photographer and his wife Bertie became well-known as a tribal people photographer. Together they have visited more than 90 different
tribal peoples in Africa, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Melanesia and in South America, mainly peoples from the Amazon
Rainforest. In a philanthropic gesture, Dos and Bertie donated their entire fee for this project to Amazon Watch. For more info, visit